HeLDEn Research Seminar Series

The HeLDEn Research Seminar Series (HRSS) is a cycle of advanced lectures open to Ph.D. and
Post-doc researchers, postgraduate students attending EHLB and ELAB.
5 seminars per semester are scheduled, structured as two-hour sessions, during which members of the Chair staff will present their research, based on previously circulated materials. Each seminar will be
introduced and discussed by Ph.D. candidates and post-doc researchers. The lecturers come from
different backgrounds: faculty members from six different Departments at the HI (Law, Information
Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Translational Medicine, Clinical and Experimental Medicine),
experts from other universities, national and international institutions, private sector, ensuring wideranging expertise.
The overarching theme of the HSS is Health Policy and Bio-Law in the European Union.
Each seminar will introduce participants to relevant aspects of the integration of advanced technologies
in European health systems, followed by a discussion on the role of EU law in governing this process.
This activity will also serve as preparation for the Policy Dialogues (below, at point 2), providing
background analyses, evidence-based information, identification of bottlenecks, potential for

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